'Everybody' is a collection of FREE download media...to go! All in one place each of the workouts below are trial workouts for you to stream, download and enjoy, be it technique snippets on Instagram or a YouTube, Facebook Live event.


Strengthening breathing muscles is proven to increase exercise tolerance and resistance to physical fatigue. This training technique used in professional sports and by Olympians worldwide is scientifically verified, and aims to increase your fitness and sports performance, very quickly.

ActiBreathe is the most unique health inspired fitness system to enter the market place in decades!

Jon Trevor created the ActiBreathe fitness system so that his celebrity clients could do an effective aerobic workout in the shortest of time while on location or in a dressing room.

The programme conditions your body while your lungs have an full workout of their own, without running anywhere, its all done on the spot!

ActiBreathe benefits are that of doing several exercises in the gym and running on the treadmill all at the same time.

Using this scientifically proven award winning product ActiBreathe produces cardiovascular/aerobic improvements with amazing sports, fitness and life benefits.


Jon designed ActiBreathe 'aerobics' with simplicity in mind, to be use in the smallest areas with the  easiest of moves to master. So impressed with his exercise concept the the owner's of POWERbreathe commissioned Jon to lead a series of DVDs to launch into their International market.

Jon now travels Europe with PowerBreathe UK spreading the ActiBreathe word, he has also been invited to present masterclass workshops and seminars with PowerBreathe's South Korean and Japanese partners.           

DVD series & products clickhere for more info and how to purchase.



One 2 One exercise to music workout series designed to give you max motivation for max results. 

Studies have shown that people exercising to music at a certain number of beats per-minute have a reduced sense of exertion and increased motivation to do exercise, one of JT’s media projects is to produce with various musical geniuses workout tracks to get you and keep you motivated and on “track”  to achieving your goals.

Below are 2 x 6min SAMPLE track's for you to try out FREE!

Download the Audio Trainer Tracks below and workout in your gym with one of the most sought after fitness experts in showbiz today, personal training you anytime, anyplace, anywhere.