30-Day Discovery Course
Take Charge ❖ Upgrade your body today for a brighter tomorrow, invest £45.00 and sign-up for my Discovery Course.
My one off payment option delivers a variety of plans to get you started the right way.
Start ❖ With a selection of videos you complete on your time schedule which gives you all the tools to help you start achieving your goals.
Next ❖ Included in the mix you will experience a structured plan of LIVE studio CLUB CLASS sessions, implementing positive habits every week for 30-days.
Finally ❖ After each workout you send me your stats (Apple watch, Fit Bit, Heart Monitor needed) and ask any questions, all directly from your mobile phone via WhatsApp messenger, I’m Always Here to Help!
For a one time of investment of £45.00 my 30-day Discovery Course guides you day by day through your plan in your own time going from strength to strength.
Once you have experienced my on-line PT CLUB you then can make an informed decision whether continue with me and join.
If you decide now is not the right time to join my community, you still have a complete Discovery video plan to keep and enjoy, time and time again.