It was 1966, my musically gifted dad was lying in hospital after having heart surgery. Medical science has come forward in leaps and bounds since the 60’s, but in those days doctors were still learning a lot about cardiovascular disease and heart surgery.
Mick my dad was 32, I was just 6 years old, he had heart problems, the doctors tried desperately to save him, but after just a few days our world fell apart, my dad passed, gosh even today I miss him so, so much!
I was born in 1960 and my brother in 63, our sudden loss at a young age triggered something in me, which still drives me today! I felt I needed to look after mum and my little bro, as our world was torn apart!
The caring tenacious nature of my character runs deep, it’s interesting I’ve chosen a career path, looking after people’s fitness and health.
Our time on earth is too damn short, our most important mode of transport… our bodies, need to be healthy and able to steer through life!
If your body was a car, would it be a beaten up old jalopy, always breaking down? Or a well maintained, reliable Rolls Royce that will transport you to enjoy a long happy life?
Next Summary 1980 Skip ↓
My passion for Fitness and Martial Arts started me on the coaching bug, armed with my knowledge of both disciplines I started coaching in the mid-eighties at my local Jujutsu and Judo club.
In the 1980’s Jane Fonda’s workouts were legionary, and by 1988 Gin Miller’s Rebook Step was just gripping the world, both inspirational gurus were my goto mentors, and my love for teaching fitness was ignited.
It took me 15 years to follow my passions for teaching fitness into a professional career, and in 1995 I qualified in the search for the job of my dreams.
As you’ll see below I’ve carved a career within the Health & Fitness arena for over 30 career years, I’m one of those fortunate few that thoroughly enjoy my work.
I have the type of personality that enjoys helping people achieve things, I love to inspire and motivate, I enjoy researching the latest science of how our bodies function and move!
That’s why teaching exercise is right up my street, I feel fortunate to be able to make a career for over thirty years doing it.
I’m so excited to experience what the future has instore for us all, with New Tech transforming fitness and discoveries in medical science to further enable health and wellness for longevity.
My whole body 40 plus plan is structured as a monthly membership, delivered on a weekly basis, with online LIVE sessions which are fun, encouraging exercise to music driven workouts.
Each session is specifically tailored to maximise every single minute of the 30 min classes, using the very latest techniques and hot tips of today.
In addition you can book LIVE 1:2:1 gym buddy sessions in your gym! With your mobile personal trainer with you every step of the way, structured in such a way that makes every minute count sessions are concise personal plans masterfully executed every time.
Next Summary 1995 Skip ↓